Alice and the Bandersnatch

Alice and the Bandersnatch illustration in pen and ink with selective colored pencil. 14X17″ on fine art paper, by Christyl Lorraina.

Published by

Nina (Christy) Lorraine

Nina (Christy) Lorraine: writer, editor, artist, photographer, crafter, and more. Pen names include: Amarine Rose Ravenwood = feminine poetry, Saoirse Fae = fairy tales and fairy-tale poetry, Aloralai Braelynna = children's stories, young adult, and poetry, Celora Haelynn = light horror fairy tales and darker, Halloween-type poetry, Christyl, and Nina Hall. She is also the original owner/publisher of The Literary Librarian - an e-zine dedicated to publishing poetry and interviews with various poets and authors from around the world. Profile photo photography by Somastars Creations

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